Singing Guide: The Cars

Singing Guide: The Cars

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Cars were a band that blended elements of new wave, rock, and pop to create a unique sound that was both catchy and experimental. Ric Ocasek was the lead singer and songwriter of the band, and his distinctive voice and songwriting style were key components in their success.

If you want to learn how to sing like Ric Ocasek, there are a few things you can do to get started. First, it's important to know that his vocal style was characterized by a flat, deadpan delivery that emphasized the lyrics and the melody of the song rather than pure vocal technique.

To imitate this style, you can try singing with a more monotone voice and focusing on the phrasing and emotion of the lyrics. Ric was also known for his use of a vibrato effect in some songs, which you can experiment with as well.

One song that showcases Ric's unique vocal style is "Just What I Needed." The song has a driving beat and catchy melody, but it's Ric's deadpan delivery that really sets it apart. Another good example is "My Best Friend's Girl," which has a more upbeat tempo and emphasizes the catchy guitar riff.

To improve your overall singing technique, you can take advantage of Singing Carrots' resources, such as the vocal range test and pitch accuracy test. These tools can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses as a singer and give you a starting point for improvement.

The pitch training tool is also a great resource for singers looking to improve their skills, with interactive exercises that focus on pitch, range, and agility. And if you're looking for songs to sing that match your vocal range and genre preferences, Singing Carrots' song search feature is an invaluable tool.

Additional Singing Carrots articles that may aid in your journey to improve your singing include "How to analyze your voice," "Articulation," and "Singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking." And for more in-depth instruction, the singing course covers singing theory and practical tips for beginners.

With dedication, practice, and Singing Carrots' tools and resources, you can learn to sing like Ric Ocasek and develop your own unique vocal style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.